One Business Solutions

Cash Advance

Navigating the Business Loan Application Process with Ease

Securing a business loan can be a pivotal moment for your company’s growth. Understanding the application process is essential for a smooth experience. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps, from gathering essential documents to submitting your application. Plus, we’ll highlight how One Business Solutions, as a reputable broker, takes a unique, human-centric […]

Navigating the Business Loan Application Process with Ease Read More »

Business Loan vs. Merchant Cash Advance – Choosing the Right Option for Your SME

Securing funding is often a crucial step for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to expand or meet their working capital needs. When exploring financing options, two popular choices emerge: traditional business loans and merchant cash advances. In this blog, we will compare these two options, shedding light on their differences, benefits, and suitability for

Business Loan vs. Merchant Cash Advance – Choosing the Right Option for Your SME Read More »

Embedded finance for e-commerce platforms: Launching financial services on your platform

E-commerce is the leading channel for consumer spending, however, with success comes new challenges and competition. Embedded finance for e-commerce platforms is becoming a popular way for businesses to add new revenue and open growth opportunities.  In 2021, global retail e-commerce sales reached approximately 5.2 trillion U.S. dollars, and are projected to grow by 56% over

Embedded finance for e-commerce platforms: Launching financial services on your platform Read More »

Slow-to-pay customers shouldn’t hold your business back: One Business Solution can save your business

Invoice finance is a popular way for businesses to unlock the money owed to them. From the earliest days of One Business Solution, a recurring theme from customers calling us in a panic was that they had bills to pay, but they didn’t have the cash to cover them. Inevitably, the money was out there

Slow-to-pay customers shouldn’t hold your business back: One Business Solution can save your business Read More »